How To Get Rid Of Dark knuckles!!!

How To Get Rid Of Dark knuckles!!!!

Dark knuckles is an embarrassing skin issue for both the light and dark skinned. Having a flawless skin tone with a badly burnt knuckle is a NO No. Black knuckles is a
common beauty related issue which can have several
reasons like working with detergents or harsh chemicals,
a reaction to friction, lack of proper skin care, dryness caused
due to over washing or from any other factors like
weather change etc.

How to get rid of dark knuckles
To completely get rid of dark knuckles, avoid the use of harsh chemical ingredients like Hydroquinoine and Hydrogen Peroxide. These chemicals causes a lot of damages on knuckles.

By exfoliation,you remove the dead skin from the knuckle,thereby allowing strong lightener to penetrate into the new skin.

After exfoliation, the next step is to apply lightening products to maintain the new flawless skin.
This time, occlusion must be introduced for better result. 

Occlusion is simply a method of allowing your products penetrate into your skin by wrapping. You can occlude with thick cloths, saran wraps or socks. Occlusion is best for difficult areas like feet, toes, elbows and knuckles. 

Once you achieve a flawless nodarkknuckle hands, 
Endeavor to wash your hands with a kojic acid soap and moisturize your hands after use. 


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