Lactic Acid/Glycolic Acid For Total Skin Perfection

lactic acid(LA) peels are alpha hydroxy acids (AHA). Derived from milk, they are very mild chemical peels,depending on the concentration(which varies from 15-88%). Because lactic acid is a natural human metabolite, there is less chance of an allergic reaction with this type of peel{depending on skin type}.Therefore, they are a good choice for first-time peel users or for those with sensitive skin.However, dry or oily skin types can also use this peel and get good results.

The benefits of LA peel include:
1.Exfoliating the surface of your skin.
2.Deep cleaning pores.
3.Fading dark marks Improving hyperpigmentation.
4.Evening out skin tone.
5.Brightening and lightening skin.
6.Improving the appearance of light wrinkles.
7.Stimulating natural collagen production.Overall, lactic acid peels are the best way to treat common  skin concerns. How great lactic acid(LA) peels are alpha hydroxy acids (AHA). Derivedfrom milk, they are very mild chemical peels,depending on the concentration(which varies from 15-88%). Because lacticacid is a natural humanmetabolite, there is less chanceof an allergic reaction with thistype of peel.Therefore, they are a good choice for first-time peel usersor for those with sensitive skin.However, dry or oily skin types can also use this peel and getgood results.BENEFITS OF LAThe benefits of LA peelinclude:Exfoliating the surfaceof your skin.Deep cleaning pores.Fading dark marks Improvinghyperpigmentation.Evening out skin tone.Brightening andlightening skin.Improving the appearance of light wrinkles.Stimulating naturalcollagen production.Overall, lactic acid peels are the best way to treat commonskin concerns. How great a lactic acid peel will be at fixing a skin problem will depend on a number of factors though.
These include ;
how your skin reacts,
The strength of the peel,the number of peels you get (you will usually need more than one to get your desired skin results),
and how well you take care of yourskin post-peel.(after peeling).

GLYCOLIC ACID.Glycolic Acid Peel also another family of AHA(alpha-hydroxyacids or fruit acid), another mild peel(depending on its concentration)glycolic acid is considered to be natural. It comes from sugarcane. Glycolic acid has many uses. Infact, it's used in highconcentrations to remove rust from metal, and anything with a glycolic acid concentration of more than 10 percent is considered a hazardous material,but Keep in mind, that most glycolic acid peels have a concentration of 50 percent or higher. but considering what you're trying to accomplish,that makes sense. During a glycolic acid peel, the solution is applied using a sponge and left on the skin for a predetermined amount of time based on concentration,It can be then be washed off with water. Immediately after a treatment, the skin will look red and continue to peel for several days. The entire process from treatment to recovery can take a week or more.
With GA, outcome might not be as noticeable as you'd like. It's typical that multiple peels will be necessary to achieve the desired result. The upside is that there are very few complications associated with glycolic acid peels.

LA and GA are two of the more common peel solutions,because they can do similar things to your skin, it can be confusing to decide which one of these two chemical peels you should use. Texture wise, LA is a thick (but not thick like honey), sticky/oily and yellowish solution while GA is a very watery, clear liquid. LA is more expensive, which is why LA facials usually cost more. Both peels yield similar results, though LA peels are less harsh and tend to fade hyperpigmentation better n faster. If you are deciding between a GA peel and an LA peel, go with LA if you have never gotten a peel before or if you have lots of dark marks you want to fade. Once you find you can TOLERATE lactic acid just fine,you can try glycolic acid thenext time you get a peel

Before the LA peel solution is put on your skin,your skin will first be thoroughly cleansed.dirts/oils will prevent the peel from effectively penetrating your skin{preping},so often a prep solution is applied before the peel to make sure your skin is clean,oil-free, and primed.
Once the peel is applied,set a timer for when the peel should be neutralized.The longer the peel is left on your skin, the more penetrating and potentially irritating it will be.
P.s Highy concentrated peel doesnt indicate faster result.You generally work your way up to longer peel times and higher strength peels as you get more follow-up peels.
During an LA peel, your skin will feel warm and turn pink. This post-peel pink skin could last for a few hours or a few days. It's normal and will go away on its own,.You can apply an LA peel raw/diluted in a DIY(do it yourself)solution,with your fvourite cream/lotion.This is the best and easiest way to use LA.apply with either an airbrush or your palm.

Most people have their skin return to normal in 3-4days, only experiencing some redness, dryness, and skin flaking in the first two days. This redness is annoying, but can easily becovered up with makeup.
Stay out of the SUN.
Avoid scrubbing your skin until after your skin heals.
Do not pick skin.
Do not wear air'tight oufit,to avoid friction except you are occulding.
Dont use RETINOIDS whilst on LA peel,this will be too
aggressive on your skin because it is
already getting a strong dose
of exfoliation.
For certain skin issues, like
fading dark marks and erasing
fine lines, it will take multiple
chemical peel treatments to
see results. 1-2 treatments for
6-8 weeks will usually give you optimal results. Again, the
results will depend on your
skin, the strength of the peel,
the frequency of the peel, and
how well you take care of your
skin post-peel.
A lactic acid peel done at least every month
will revitalize and brighten
the skin, keeping it young and healthy.

LACTIC ACID 80% ~#5000


  1. Does this LA peel also clear high pigmented face? I have this very dark discoulouration around my two eye area and its bin so discouraging cuz I have used virtually all I knw and have bin priscribed to by dermatologist and even cosmetologist. I have even lost hope as I can't go out witout makeup on all the time. If I try not to appl ppl will kip asking me abt wat went wrng wit my face.. *tears*

    1. Yes,LA is quite effective for facial discolouration, but because of its consistency and facial skin differences,you'll be using other milder facial peels.


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